Also on Friday, Gamma came to visit. Noah was so excited - he even let Gamma sleep in his bed. He was even more excited when Gamma said that his bed was much more comfortable than Mommy and Daddy's (their bed is too hard).
Since Lola's cord stump came off on April 2nd, we were able to give her her first real bath. We waited for Gamma to get here so that she could see. Lola cried (as we expected since she cries even with a wet washcloth), but by the end she seemed like she almost enjoyed it. It took a few hours for our hearing to get better, but we are fully recovered now.
Then on April 5th (sorry, no pics, so you'll have to take our word for it), Lola went to her first rugby game. She was less than enthused with Fresno's play (Dad wasn't either), and slept through the whole thing. Noah did have a good time introducing Lola to all of his rugby friends.
Today, on April 6th, Lola went to our church for the first time. She looked like an angel. However, God forgot to tell us that angels were so grumpy. She did fine during the music, but then she decided she was hungry. We tried and tried to get her to eat, but apparently she doesn't appear to have the multi-tasking gene that her mother has. It wasn't until we were at the car and things were quiet that she was able to settle down and have her snack.
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