I turned 2 today. Mommy and Daddy threw me a party and it was so much fun. Mommy made a Wonder Red Party from Super Why just like I asked!!!

Mommy, Daddy, and Gamma put up the decorations while I slept. I was so excited when I woke up. All I could do was walk around and say, "Cool!""

I love my auntie and cousins!

My Pops was there too!!

Of course Memaw came... everyone even wore purple or red just like my decorations (Memaw even wore both colors - just like Wonder Red!

We had good food too!! I love sausages and beans and my mommy got to eat macaroni and cheese and daddy got his favorite - clam dip!

What can I say?? I am a super star... a born diva!!

Even divas get boogers!!

I played golf!!

I drove the tractor!

What is wrong with this picture?

Noah is such a ham!!!

I dug a hole!!

I rode the teeter totter!

We even played ladder ball. Katie and Lindsey played too!! Katie won - can you tell?

Cool Auntie Courtney.

Happy Auntie Courtney!

I forgot to tell you that cous cous came to play with kali too.

I got new purple shoes that look just like Wonder Red!!! Good thing purple matches everything. I want to wear them all the time (although mommy said that I can't wear them in the bathtub, but I don't know why not).

Even courtney knows how valuable a good pair of purple shoes is.

My mom made me a Wonder Red cake - see her purple roller blades.

Gamma made the book marks around the cake for me to give as party favors. The back side has a really cute picture of me!

Lindsey made my cupcakes. Since Wonder Red has the super power of rhyming, the cupcakes all had words that rhyme with two (because it is my birthday and I am two, of course).

I tired to blow out the candles, but got a little too close and my face got really hot. I cried, but Noah and Daddy helped me blow them out.


I had to get all the frosting off my hand because it tasted so good!! Unfortunately, I bit my finger too!!!


Present time!!

I got two cards that sing!!!! I love them so much. I can dance to them anytime that I want.

And a Dora watch... now I can tell you what time it is - 2 o'clock of course.

Thanks everyone for a great party!! I had so much fun!!

Mommy, Daddy, and Gamma put up the decorations while I slept. I was so excited when I woke up. All I could do was walk around and say, "Cool!""

I love my auntie and cousins!

My Pops was there too!!

Of course Memaw came... everyone even wore purple or red just like my decorations (Memaw even wore both colors - just like Wonder Red!

We had good food too!! I love sausages and beans and my mommy got to eat macaroni and cheese and daddy got his favorite - clam dip!

What can I say?? I am a super star... a born diva!!

Even divas get boogers!!

I played golf!!

I drove the tractor!

What is wrong with this picture?

Noah is such a ham!!!

I dug a hole!!

I rode the teeter totter!

We even played ladder ball. Katie and Lindsey played too!! Katie won - can you tell?

Cool Auntie Courtney.

Happy Auntie Courtney!

I forgot to tell you that cous cous came to play with kali too.

I got new purple shoes that look just like Wonder Red!!! Good thing purple matches everything. I want to wear them all the time (although mommy said that I can't wear them in the bathtub, but I don't know why not).

Even courtney knows how valuable a good pair of purple shoes is.

My mom made me a Wonder Red cake - see her purple roller blades.

Gamma made the book marks around the cake for me to give as party favors. The back side has a really cute picture of me!

Lindsey made my cupcakes. Since Wonder Red has the super power of rhyming, the cupcakes all had words that rhyme with two (because it is my birthday and I am two, of course).

I tired to blow out the candles, but got a little too close and my face got really hot. I cried, but Noah and Daddy helped me blow them out.


I had to get all the frosting off my hand because it tasted so good!! Unfortunately, I bit my finger too!!!


Present time!!

I got two cards that sing!!!! I love them so much. I can dance to them anytime that I want.

And a Dora watch... now I can tell you what time it is - 2 o'clock of course.

Thanks everyone for a great party!! I had so much fun!!
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Lola, you look beautiful and it looks like you had a great day!
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