Lola had her 2 month check-up and she is growing like a weed. She now weighs 10 pounds 14 ounces. Her head is 38 cm and she is now 22 inches long. That means she has gained one ounce per day for the last 38 days. In addition, she has grown 1.75 inches and her head is now 2 centimeters bigger. She is in the 50th percentile in all growth parameters - meaning she is exactly average (but as a person, we all know she is well above average:).
It was a tough visit. She got 4 vaccines (it would have been 5, but they were out of the other one). Daddy held her while mommy cried. Mommy can give shots to other peoples kids, but not her own. Lola cried, but quieted quickly afterward (much more quickly than Mommy). She looked funny with 4 big girl band aids on her legs (that didn't leave much leg left). She slept most of the day, and the next day seemed back to normal.
Luckily for Mommy, Daddy will be on summer vacation when the next set of shots are due...
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