Gamma and Pops came to visit for the day - boy was Noah excited. Of course, why shouldn't he be? He got Nachos for breakfast, then he got to go to the zoo and see all of the animals. Lola slept in the sling the whole time and hardly knew that she had taken her first trip there.

Then, Noah got McDonalds for lunch and then they were off to Chuckie Cheese. Mommy and Lola stayed home (Noah thinks only Gammas, Pops, and Aunties can take him to the "rathouse". Finally, Noah's day ended with Sushi and kid chopsticks. To Noah this day was almost as good as Christmas!!
Here is a pic of Noah at the zoo. The other pics were after we got home.
Also, for those of you who think that pictures frighten Lola - trust me - she always looks like that. She has HUGE eyes!!

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