Auntie Joan was nice enough to share her birthday with Lola. We had a family gathering here in Fresno, and boy did Lola score. She got all of her favorite things...
... New shoes... (a girl can never have too many)...
... A jar of peanut butter (to carry around, but not to eat)...
For Lola Reed's birthday we went over to Arroyo Grande - lucky Lola!
Lola is learning how to use the cones - before long she will be able to coach daddy, and judging by her personality, I don't think that she will give him any breaks.
Lola had so much fun running around the field. I love her new tennis shoes. They are my favorite color - pink!
Lola is learning to play rugby. She is really good. She never lets go of the ball!
All that running with the ball makes a girl thirsty...
...and hungry...
...and makes me hungry too!!
I managed to escape many of mommy's pictures today because I was running around with my friend Abigail!
I thought grown ups never got to have fun... but apparently rugby players still get to act like kids some times. It was mustache day at the field so daddy dressed up - doesn't he look funny?
We of course wore green for Saint Patrick's day!! And, of course mom made us take pictures - again. She has to take pictures of everything!! She says that someday we will appreciate it, but right now it just gets in the way of our playing.
This is my new shirt that Auntie Courtney bought me. I think it is so cute! It reminds me of pigeon in the "Don't Let The Pigeon Drive the Bus" books. Plus the pigeon looks crazy - just like me!
Lola had a special outfit for Saint Patricks day. It was covered in shamrocks.
And here is Lola proving what mommy always says... that she doesn't like toys and always plays with things that she isn't supposed to have. In this case, at least she is carrying it with the points down - she is such a smart girl.