For Lola Reed's birthday we went over to Arroyo Grande - lucky Lola!

Lola is learning how to use the cones - before long she will be able to coach daddy, and judging by her personality, I don't think that she will give him any breaks.

Lola had so much fun running around the field. I love her new tennis shoes. They are my favorite color - pink!

Lola is learning to play rugby. She is really good. She never lets go of the ball!
All that running with the ball makes a girl thirsty...

...and hungry...
...and makes me hungry too!!
I managed to escape many of mommy's pictures today because I was running around with my friend Abigail!

Daddy's team played great!!
But, he was happy when the game was over, because he got to hang out with us.

Lola always laughs the biggest for Daddy.
I thought grown ups never got to have fun... but apparently rugby players still get to act like kids some times. It was mustache day at the field so daddy dressed up - doesn't he look funny?

I managed to escape many of mommy's pictures today because I was running around with my friend Abigail!

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